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TYPICALLY BLUSH GRAPHIC TEES: https://typicallyblush.com
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OIL INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/taraswellness/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/hellotaralynn
Business Inquiries: leila@prizma-mgmt.com
POSHMARK: @Tarahendo
* C A M E R A E Q U I P M E N T*
Canon EOS M5 - http://bit.ly/CannonEosM5
Microphone - http://bit.ly/RodeCameraMicrophone
*P O P U L A R V I D E O S*
Morning Routine Husband Takes Over - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b79BRT799oE&t=386s
Night Time Routine - https://youtu.be/gsWFoUyJhUY
Morning Routine - https://youtu.be/jAsuItiCHc0
Day in the Life of a Newborn & Toddler - https://youtu.be/mt86j7qqB1A
Shay's Birth Vlog - http://bit.ly/BirthVlog
Shay's Birth Story - http://bit.ly/ShaysBirthStory
Watch my pregnancy updates here!- http://bit.ly/PregnancyUpdates
What's in my hospital bag- http://bit.ly/HospitalBagHaul
Baby girl's nursery tour- http://bit.ly/NurseryTour
Baylee's Birth Story- http://bit.ly/BayleeNaturalBirthStory
Baby Girl Hauls- http://bit.ly/2yyyr7p
#dayinthelife #workingmom #tarahenderson