I Installed 57 GTA San Andreas Mods. No graphics mods, but car mods, weapon mods, scripts, and fixes. By the end, I had some amazing GTA SA gameplay that I loved. 4k and subtitles are available!
⭐ These big projects take weeks to create! consider donating on Patreon:
I'm thinking about making a video on GTA SA graphics mods, like the GTA V ENB graphics mod I showed in the video. Feel free to comment suggestions.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InternetRob_
Discord: https://discord.gg/pzQbstY
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5831266
First Person Mod: https://bit.ly/3ro3Vs1
(this causes an offset when aiming in 3rd person, uninstall when not using.)
Manual Driveby Remake: https://bit.ly/3bjMWS4
CopsDriveBy: https://bit.ly/3edWorW
Wheel Detach: https://bit.ly/3qr6cRH
Real Traffic Fix: https://bit.ly/3uXsv57
Truck Trailer: https://bit.ly/38dPO0K
Brazilian Spines: https://bit.ly/2MUNVPe
IV Carjacking Camera Style: https://bit.ly/2MQIhxp
Cars Divert: https://bit.ly/3blWaxh
Mod Ragdoll Bullet Physics: https://bit.ly/3rmRVaj
Combat FX Upgrade: https://bit.ly/3qr6lVf
IMFX: https://bit.ly/38fhdzE
Overdose Effects: https://bit.ly/3rA3ifb
PedSkills: https://bit.ly/3roX5lR
Realistic Weapons Settings: https://bit.ly/30fa1Pw
Simple Regeneration: https://bit.ly/3kUtTkj
Low Life Animation: https://bit.ly/3sVI0Zo
Improved Default Armory: https://bit.ly/3v2X6yq
Bullethole: https://bit.ly/3uZV9CJ
WeaponRecoilAuto: https://bit.ly/3rs2qsM
Spread Fix: https://bit.ly/3sOxPG2
Real Weapon Sounds: https://bit.ly/2MRVGW1
Realistic Peds Remake: https://bit.ly/3qt6nwc
Peds Buy Food: https://bit.ly/3ri2rPX
Homeless and Trash Bags: https://bit.ly/30hQ0rp
Original Peds Vary: https://bit.ly/3qmS6B0
Beta Gang Skins Added: https://bit.ly/3efsaEQ
Realistic Population: https://bit.ly/3sYtHmP
(requires the "MixSets" mod for having a higher population.)
Enterable Hidden Interiors: https://bit.ly/3uYos8E
Hangout with Story Characters: https://bit.ly/2PEV9b7
SA Cutscene Characters for gameplay: https://bit.ly/3erEMZZ
Bullet View: https://bit.ly/3kU0Hds
Handshake Mod: https://bit.ly/3rp6OZo
Faster Clothes Changes: https://bit.ly/3rr38q4
Gang Rider: https://bit.ly/2NZkR9X
24/7 Robbery: https://bit.ly/3blKGtk
Fair Police: https://bit.ly/30jhVaI
Wanted Radar Warning: https://www.mixmods.com.br/2020/11/wanted-radar-warning-mapa-piscando-ao.html
Graffiti Anywhere: https://www.mixmods.com.br/2020/11/graffiti-anywhere-pichar-em-qualquer.html