This is an excerpt from the JFK Episode of The Paranoid Style Podcast. To listen to the entire episode, visit us at Buzzsprout: https://theparanoidstylepodcast.buzzsprout.com/ or find us wherever you get your podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, etc.
ANNOUNCER: Jack seemed to have it all… A great job…
SECRETARY: Mr. Jack, Nikita's on line one and you're giving your moon speech at 2 at Rice Stadium.
JACK: err Thank you, Sharon.
ANNOUNCER: A beautiful home… a loving family…
JACK JR: err, Daddy… I err love you.
ANNOUNCER: And he was very popular with the ladies…
MOVIE STAR: Happy Birthday, Jacky-Poo…
ANNOUNCER: He's got just one problem…
JACK: Err… what's err…going on?
ANNOUNCER: Everyone. Wants. To. Kill Jack! Fidel…
CUBAN: Commandante, what do you want to do?
FIDEL: No manches. Vamos a matar a Jack. We are going to kill Jack.
CIA: CIA Director Bronstein here… enact order 88. We are going to kill jack.
ANNOUNCER: The Russians…
RUSSIAN: Bozhe moy! We must kill Jack.
LONE NUT'S WIFE: Lee, where are you going? I was hoping we could watch a movie?
LONE NUT: Can't, baby. I gotta go kill Jack.
ANNOUNCER: The co-worker…
CO-WORKER: YeeeHAAAAW! I reckon I've played second banana long enough… I'm fitting to kill jack.
MOB: Hey, Chucky Typewriter, Baby-Face Bobby, Tommy Thumbs… We've got a job. I need youse to kill Jack. Capisce?
ANNOUNCER: Even the movie star…
MOVIE STAR: You've stood me up for the last time, Jacky-Poo. I am going to kill jack if it's the last thing I do!
ANNOUNCER: In order to stop an assassination, Jack's just got one shot… or he'll get three. Kill Jack! Everyone's doing it! Coming soon to theaters near you.