The stonework tunnels i found out exploring the old abandoned New England railroad lines are amazing

The stonework tunnels i found out exploring the old abandoned New England railroad lines are amazing

Exploring the old rail beds in New Hampshire that once had trains traveling down them makes for a great hike. These old tracks go back to the 1800s and it is amazing the way they built these lines all by hand, I am always looking for the signs of where people did things a long time ago. We walk through a couple of old farms where you can see many old rock walls. They blasted granite ledge out of the way and built huge Levys to keep the tracks flat. The remarkable things I find are the stonework granite tunnels that they would build under the railroad tracks. They were for water and livestock to be able to go under the railway. Massive cut granite way underground and some 100 feet long and you just have to see them. I also got a chance to test out the new Fenix PD36 Tac flashlight and it worked great.
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The stonework tunnels i found out exploring the old abandoned New England railroad lines are amazing

Not Thursday hiking exploring history metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG Fisher F19 metal detector

not thursdaynew hampshireThe stonework tunnels i found out exploring the old abandoned New England railroad lines are amazing

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