Become Radically Visible by Just Being YOU

Become Radically Visible by Just Being YOU

What would it feel like to:

๐Ÿ™ŒShow up on camera without worrying about what you are going to say, how you look , what other's think about how you look, how they will respond or if anyone will be watching?

⚡️To into your own knowing and show up just as you are with confidence?

๐Ÿ’ฅTo push that live button with the security of knowing and trusting that whatever you are saying is the exact right thing?

๐Ÿฆ„Clearly communicate your message and create the type of relationships with your audience the way that you want to?

If you're like "Yes Please" I invite you to tune into the RFS Live Show tonight.

When I started video I wanted ALL of these things and through internal work and skill develop I can say I have them all. Now I still have doubt every now and then but they are only there for a second and then gone. (Can you hear the heavens opening up and the angels singing?)

So many times in my business I lost myself in the online world looking to others for my truth and not tapping into my wise one within. I had forgotten that she has all the answers. I asked her what to do and she said become radically visible.
Show yourself, open yourself, be yourself. Trust! R

Radical visibility comes when we stop looking to others to tell us who, how and what we should be and deciding who, how and what we want to be in this world.

So that is what I have been doing over the last 5 years and I want you to be able to do the same, if you desire.

Radical Visibility is for anyone, including YOU!

Join me this Wednesday on the Rachel Freemon Sowers YT, FB and IG channels live streaming at 6pm PST and 9pm EST.


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