I promised you guys I would tell you how to install Windows 11 even on old outdated hardware, and nearly all systems. Watch the video to learn how to do it!
Sorry for the long delay in posting videos! Editing is HARD!
Please like and subscribe to appreciate my hard work :)
UUPDump site: https://uupdump.net/
MediaFire link to Windows 10 system check dlls: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/6r4zw8p24dzl9/win11dlls
MediaFire link to my ConvertConfig.ini: https://www.mediafire.com/file/aza70yd4r1rp7va/ConvertConfig.ini/file
UUPDump Discord server invite: https://discord.gg/yVRbtb2
All thanks to UUPDump.net for letting this happen easily!
Thanks for watching, stay safe, and goodbye!