LINE 2021/2022 Sir Francis Bacon and Outline Tech Talk - Freestyle All Mountain Powder Performance

LINE 2021/2022 Sir Francis Bacon and Outline Tech Talk - Freestyle All Mountain Powder Performance

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The LINE Sir Francis Bacon and Outline are designed to rip whether you're skiing all-mountain, park, or powder. A big part of this versatility comes from the Convex Technology that can be found in the tip and tails of this Bacon and Outline. We know, you're probably wondering just what Convex Technology really is, so we made this video to show you.

Listen in with Head LINE Ski Enginerd, Peter Brigham, as he runs you through the 2021/2022 Sir Francis Bacon and Outline, and explains what makes convex technology so innovative.

#LINEskis #Morefunner

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