Liz Earle shares the health and beauty must-haves she can't be without in her latest vlog. Here, she reveals what's going in her travel bag as she leaves for a break in Italy.
Products mentioned in the video:
Weleda Sun SPF30 https://amzn.to/2TTWj4S
Heliocare 360 Broad Spectrum SPF 50 https://amzn.to/3fAt1jz
Margaret Dabbs Firming Leg Serum https://fave.co/3xr4FyT
Margaret Dabbs Leg Scrub https://fave.co/3jpJFDt
Alfresco Anti Bug Bite - LIZLOVES for 20% off until end of Aug 2021 https://www.alfrescoshop.com/
Floris products https://www.florislondon.com/
Sugar Coated Soothing Mist - LIZLOVES for 15% off https://www.sugarcoatedhairremoval.com/
LBB Skincare skin balm https://fave.co/2UZFTpc
BetterYou Magnesium moisturiser - use LIZLOVES for 15% off https://betteryou.com/collections/magnesium-supplements/products/magnesium-body-butter
Amanda Harrington Body Mousse https://fave.co/3fRkIQD
Amanda Harrington Gradual Tan https://fave.co/3lD3n1h
CellReturn - use LIZLOVES for 10% off https://cellreturn.co.uk/
Instepp Resistance Band - use LIZLOVES for 11% off https://instepp.co.uk/
Germolene liquid plaster https://amzn.to/3Ae044U
Life Armour Drops of Slumber - LIZLOVES for 15% off
Neal's Yard English Lavender Oil https://fave.co/3oZ0lUy
Please note, on some occasions, we earn revenue if you click the links and buy the products, but we never allow this to bias our coverage and always honestly review.