Credits to KaanGaming for the mod, Path of Aspid! It adds a Primal Aspid to Path of Pain that teleports to you and is unkillable, or if you play with the config file, as many Primal Aspids as you'd like! I found 50 was the limit before the game started breaking, so I went with that. This was a run with four segments, one for each room, so I used a save state prior to each room and each room took me 5-10 tries.
Charms: Baldur Shell, Stalwart Shell, Carefree Melody, Shape of Unn, Dashmaster
The mod can be found in the Hollow Knight Discord by joining it and then using this link: https://discord.com/channels/283467363729408000/610754780461006848/873700142757326858
Hollow Knight Discord: https://discord.gg/hollowknight
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Super Mario World - Athletic Theme