The typical “lat pulldown” isn’t actually working the lats 3

The typical “lat pulldown” isn’t actually working the lats 3

The typical “lat pulldown” isn’t actually working the lats…

It’s working the upper back.

What is known as a lat pulldown, is typically an upper back pulldown. The lats aren’t the prime mover, they work to stabilize the humerus, but it’s mainly the rhomboids and traps doing the work.

A pulldown to target the upperback involves..
1️⃣Extension of the t-spine
2️⃣Driving the elbows back
3️⃣Think about pulling the elbows towards each other at the bottom

A pulldown to target the lats involves...
1️⃣Arm in front of the body
2️⃣Neutral spine
3️⃣Drive the elbow towards the hip
4️⃣Don’t pull the arm past the body. The lats don’t pull the arm beyond anatomical position

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