Trump Loving Colorado Official May Have Illegally Tampered With Voting Machine

Trump Loving Colorado Official May Have Illegally Tampered With Voting Machine

A vote tampering investigation is taking place in Colorado, and this time the focus is on a Trump-supporting official that may be involved in a scheme to tamper with a voting machine. The scheme was actual revealed when the official and an aide attempted to show to Republicans how the machine had been breached, but they left their unique password on the machine in the video they created, which shows THEY were the ones that broke into the voting machine. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

The state of Colorado has now decided to open up an investigation into potential tampering with a voting machine. But no folks, this is not in the same vein as Arizona and their ballot audit. This isn't being pushed by Trumpers. In fact, the reason this investigation is even happening in the first place is because of a Trumper, Mesa county clerk, Tina Peters, to be specific. There is a possibility that Ms. Peters may have tampered with one of the voting machines, but not necessarily maliciously, but just to prove a point that she has been attempting to make for months on social media, that these voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems were connected to the internet and therefore easily hackable by anyone. The problem is Ms. Peters got busted because when a so-called whistleblower took video of the voting machine, the password was up on the screen.

And they knew from the password who gave out that information and it happened to come from somebody in Peters orbit, possibly even her, because these passwords were unique. Everybody had their own for their little area and only a handful of people had them if they passed a security clearance, without that, you could not obtain a password to actually get into the voting machine. So Peters essentially got busted when this video was shared by the Q people and of course, Gateway Pundit. So all these right-wingers jumped at this saying, aha, we got a video now showing how this voting machine got hacked into and it turns out, well, no, the hacking was coming from inside the House and tactically for the record, it wasn't even really a hack. They got in there. They used their encrypted passwords, you know, they knew how to navigate the system and then said, we'll see how it's done.

Well, yeah, of course, you know how it's done. You were trained to know how it's done you idiots. But unfortunately all that it was too late. You know, the Q folks had already taken it and ran with it as evidence that look, the machine got hacked. And so now here it is, secretary of state, Jena Griswold released an order at 10:15 AM on Monday calling on Mesa county clerk, Tina Peters to supply surveillance videos and documents, showing how the breach occurred and how security information ended up on a social media post. If Peters can't show proper chain of custody for that security information, which involves certain passwords that are eyes only for state and county election workers, who've passed background checks, all of the county's election systems could be immediately decertified, meaning the county would be on the hook for an expensive refit of all its machines.

So if she can't come forward and be like, yeah, okay. I gave them the password for the purposes of this video. Then, uh, they have to scrap all of the voting machines in the county, in case there was an actual hack and Ms. Peters and her little accomplices who again, have been pushing election lies on social media for months now, um, they just cost the county millions of dollars. It is ironic, isn't it? Most of the voter fraud we've actually seen, most of the actual tampering, is coming from Trump supporters. Maybe it's not ironic at all. Maybe they think that because we do it all the time, the Democrats do it all the time, not the case though.

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