Today we're preparing to travel to Disneyland for Nia's 4th birthday!
Thanks for subscribing! - https://www.youtube.com/user/ADayWithKev?sub_confirmation=1
Kevin's Instagram ► https://instagram.com/kevinedwardsjr
Marie's Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/mariejedwards
P.S. YouTube still has my comments on my videos off from when they turned all creators comments off due to pedophilia in YouTuber's comments. Back a few years ago If you showed any kids in your videos, whether its your own or someone else's YouTube turned your comments off indefinitely.
Due to this please follow me on Instagram so I can connect with you all. Send me messages on their!
IG: @KevinEdwardsJr
Short History: My name is Kevin Edwards Jr and I'm a husband, father of 4, real estate investor, entrepreneur, car lover, and cuddler lol. I've been on YouTube for about 15 years now(off and on).. I have a YouTube gaming channel on YouTube with over 7 million subscribers. I've decided to come back to this vlog channel and show you guys that anything you set your mind too is possible. In 2015, I was living with my parents, sleeping on the floor every night, and in a depressed state of mind almost every day. One day, I decided to get off my ass and grind like crazy on my YouTube channels & that has paid off HUGELY. Please SUBSCRIBE and join the family! Much Love.