The Middle Ages is renowned for being one of the most violent periods of history. The thousand years lasting from the 5th to the 15th centuries was a time of brutality and inequality. In the Middle Ages most European countries were legally allowed to use some form of torture. By the 12th century it had achieved its peak with the aid of more sophisticated and brutal devices. Torture was often used as part of sentencing against a criminal and was carried out in public to deter others. At a time when even starving children were hanged for stealing food it’s no surprise that torture was seen as the best way to coerce information or deliver retribution.
0:00 Introduction
2:20 The Brazen Bull
4:22 The Judas Cradle
6:01 The Rack
8:15 The Wheel
10:40 The Breast Ripper
13:13 The Spanish Boot
16:02 The Chair
17:28 Pulling The Tongue
18:34 The Iron Maiden
21:37 Hanged, Drawn and Quartered
🎶🎶 Music by CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcav...
Narrated & Edited by: James Wade
Thank you for watching.
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