Ritu Om and Jnana Param answers these popular questions that “Why people does not believe in twin flames?” OR “Why astrologers does not believe in twin flames?” OR ” Why some spiritual masters does not believe in twin flames?” in this English video.
00:00 Intro
00:26 Non acceptance about twin flames
01:17 Behavior shows true intentions
01:55 What happens in twin flame connection?
03:34 Normal vs Abnormal
04:39 Why people does not believe in twin flames?
06:00 How to find authentic guru?
06:44 How our soul warns us?
08:41 Twin flame journey is separation to oneness
09:38 Spirituality is subjective
11:09 Nothing is right or wrong
12:00 Why people oppose twin flames?
13:01 How ego reveal itself?
14:03 Solutions To Outsider’s Skepticism
14:56 Outro
Psychic readers or Astrologers or Tarot card readers may tell you, that there is no such thing as Twin Flames and that the idea of twin flame is setting people up for pain for no reason.
Or Some of them might tell you that there are very few twin flames. Some have even counted the number of twin flames that can incarnate on earth.
Many people who approach us, ask this question that "Are they normal when everyone around them is opposing them?".
We answer this question with another question that "why you want to settle as being normal?"
You are super-normal.
So why do so many spiritual healers/psychics/reiki masters/astrologers/ intuitives not believe in Twin Flames?
Its because twin flame journey is not for them. It is only for master souls like you.
So these people who are doubtful about twin flame journey are not necessarily MEANT to understand it. But they’re certainly not meant to judge it as well.
Then how to find an authentic spiritual teacher or guru?
Well, the characteristics of authentic teacher is that he/she is open to all possibilities.
So What is your soul trying to tell you?
Anyone who is truly connected with spirit will know that this is an infinite universe and to be “against” something is an expression of human ego.
Let's understand why People Get Angry About Twin Flames?
Many who are “against” the idea of Twin Flames, or who do not believe the connection exists, are actually *misunderstood* in their position.
What they really have a problem with is the idea that a person is not “whole” on their own, or that there is just one “true love” out there for a person!
So what is twin flame journey?
Well, you are on this amazing journey of re-experiencing what all of humanity are dealing with, but in a heightened sense. The journey from separation to oneness.
Understand this that spirituality is not objective, but its subjective.
Everyone is on a different path in life. You’ll have experienced this very likely if you’ve tried telling friends or family or even people online in spiritual groups, about your Twin flame connection.
Nothing is actually right or wrong. One person can believe in a Christian Heaven and another in the idea of a Buddhist nirvana. Is one “right” and one “wrong”?
That is ultimately up to the person themselves to decide. We are not here to dictate to others, we are here to explore our own experience.
Let's come back to question that Why people oppose twin flames?
Be mindful that many people are triggered by the idea of Twin Flames for a number of reasons. It’s usually their “shadows” being triggered.
If you encounter someone who is strongly opposed to the idea of Twin Flames, it always means they haven’t experienced the twin flame connection themselves.
But it also is a warning for you from your soul.
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