Life: The Islamic Answer 12 - Knowledge and Reason in Islam 11 (Jahl - 5 and Intro to Action)

Life: The Islamic Answer 12 - Knowledge and Reason in Islam 11 (Jahl - 5 and Intro to Action)

In this lecture, we conclude the topic of Jahl (ignorance and foolishness) by extracting the Islamic principles related to this topic. We then introduce the next topic of the theme of knowledge, namely: knowledge and action.

This is part of the Life series, which explores the Islamic principles of living in today's complex world. It focuses on the need to rebuild ourselves Islamically, as individuals and communities who contribute positively to society and the world, by understanding our relationships with ourselves, with others, with nature and with God, based on the original teachings of Islam through its primary sources.

Delivered by Dr. Sayid Jafar al Hasany, September 2021.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:45 Recap of the Life series
00:11:20 Principles of Islam related to Jahl (ignorance and foolishness)
01:02:10 General conclusions from Jahl
01:06:47 Introduction to next topic: Knowledge and Action

(دروس "الحياة: الحل الاسلامي" (باللغة الانجليزية

المحاضرة 12

القسم الاول لهذه السلسلة من المحاضرات يختص بالعلم و العقل في الاسلام.

في هذه المحاضرة نستخلص المبادئ الاسلامية المختصة بالجهل, ثم نقدم للموضوع الجديد في سلسلة البحث, و الذي يبحث الرابطة بين العلم و العمل في الاسلام.

الدكتور السيد جعفر الحسني

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