Sahih Muslim 53-15: Showing Preference To The One Who Is Older

Sahih Muslim 53-15: Showing Preference To The One Who Is Older

Hadith 7508-7508 of 7563
Sahih Muslim is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi (rahimahullah). His collection is considered to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ), and along with Sahih al-Bukhari forms the "Sahihain," or the "Two Sahihs." It contains roughly 7500 hadith (with repetitions) in 57 books.

List of chapters in The Book Of Asceticism (Az-Zuhd) And Heart-Softening Reports
1 This World Is A Prison For The Believer And A Paradise For The Disbeliever
1A The Prohibition Of Entering Upon The People Of Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) Unless One Enters Weeping
2 The Virtue Of Treating Widows, The Poor And Orphans Kindly
3 The Virtue Of Building Masâjid
4 The Virtue Of Spending On The Poor And Wayfarers
5 The Prohibition On Showing Off
6 Guarding The Tongue
7 About The One Who Enjoins Good But Does Not Do It, And Forbids Evil But Does It
8 The Prohibition Against Disclosing One's Own Sins
9 Saying: "May Allâh Have Mercy On You" To One Who Sneezes, And Yawning Is Disliked
10 Miscellaneous Ahadîth
11 Mice Are A Transformed Race
12 A Believer Should Not Be Stung Twice From The Same Hole
13 The Believer's Affair Is All Good
14 The Prohibition Of Praising If It Involves Exaggeration And There Is The Fear That It May Be A Source Of Temptation (Fitnah) For The One Who Is Praised
15 Showing Preference To The One Who Is Older
16 Verification Of Hadîth And The Ruling On Writing Down Knowledge
17 The Story Of The People Of The Ditch And The Magician, The Monk And The Boy
18 The Lengthy Hadîth Of Jâbir And The Story Of Abü Al-Yasar
19 The Hadîth Of The Hijrah

Sahih Muslim: List of Books
A The Book of Narrating from the Trustworthy
1 The Book Of Faith
2 The Book Of Purification
3 The Book Of Menstruation
4 The Book Of Prayer
5 The Book of Masajid And Places Of Prayer
6 The Book Of The Travellers' Prayer And Shortening Thereof
6A The book of the virtues of the Quran
7 The Book Of Jumu'ah (Friday) Prayer
8 The Book Of The Two 'id Prayers
9 The Book Of Prayer Seeking Rain (Al-Istisqâ')
10 The Book Of Eclipses
11 The Book Of Funerals
12 The Book Of Zakat
13 The Book Of Fasting
14 The Book Of Itikaf
15 The Book Of Hajj (pilgrimage)
16 The Book Of Marriage
17 The Book Of Breastfeeding
18 The Book Of Divorce
19 The Book Of Li'an (Mutual cursing)
20 The Book Of Manumission
21 The Book Of Financial Transactions
22 The Book Of Musaqa And Mu'amalah (agricultural contract)
23 The Book Of The Shares Of Inheritance
24 The Book Of Gifts
25 The Book Of Wills
26 The Book Of Vows
27 The Book Of Oaths
28 The Book Of Oaths (Qasamah), MuhâribIn,Qasas (Retaliation) And Diyat (Blood Money)
29 The Book Of Hudüd (Legal Punishments)
30 The Book Of Judicial Decisions
31 The Book Of Lost Property
32 The Book Of Jihâd And Expeditions
33 The Book of Leadership
34 The Book of Hunting, Slaughter And What Animals May Be Eaten
35 The Book of Sacrifices
36 The Book of Drinks
37 The Book of Clothing And Adornment
38 The Book Of Al-Adâb (Manners And Etiquette)
39 The Book of The Salâm (Greeting)
40 Statements Relating To Manners And Other Than That
41 The Book Of Poetry
42 The Book Of Dreams
43 The Book Of Virtues
44 The Book Of The Virtues Of The Companions
45 The Book Of Al-Bir, Nurturing Ties And Manners
46 The Book Of Al-Qadr (The Divine Decree)
47 The Book Of Knowledge
48 The book of Remembrance, Supplication, Repentance And Praying For Forgiveness
49 The Book Of Repentance
50 The Attributes Of The Hypocrites And The Rulings Concerning Them
51 The Book Of Paradise And Description Of Its Delights And Its People
52 The Book Of Tribulations And The Portents Of The Hour
53 The Book Of Asceticism (Az-Zuhd) And Heart-Softening Reports
54 The Book Of TafsIr (Explanation Of Qur'an)

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