the utmost grand of days.

the utmost grand of days.

you walk into the potion shop. the snowstorm was in a rage outside, and this was the only place in the area.
the owner looks up from the book they were reading. their attention turns to you. they point at a sign, speaking.
“you should read that before buying anything. get my attention again when you’re finished, hm?” they advise. the sign says:
“my name is frisk, and i am the caretaker of this shop. my pronouns are they/it/xe/bun/pop, and my potions are made when i am in my best moods. i unfortunately am not taking requests at the moment. they are made from the finest ingredients from other universes, and are bound to give you plenty of wonderful results.”
the owner looks up at you once more. “thank you for cooperating.” they say, as you eye a yellow, grey, and blue, color changing potion.
“ah, i see. you’re interested in the temptation tea. would you like me to tell you more about it?” they ask.
assuming you’d answer yes, they continue.
“this potion will give you enas (positive) personality, mannerisms, and voice, are you interested?” the shopkeeper says. you nod, and they hand the potion to you.
“thank you for your generous purchase.” they smile. “have a wonderful day, traveler.”


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