TRADING vs. INVESTING (and how to REALLY make money)

TRADING vs. INVESTING (and how to REALLY make money)

How to make money with trading vs. investing - In todays video we’re going to answer the age old question - trader or investor, and more importantly find out which REALLY makes money and how YOU can benefit from each strategy.

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The first thing you need to understand is the differences between being a TRADER and being an INVESTOR and how each can make money. Now breaking it down to its simplest form - an investor looks for investments that will grow over a long period of time, often with low risk and takes the slow, steady but (based off history) an effective road to riches. Traders on the other hand tend to be more active in their money making strategies - buying and selling short term investments, often doing more research, and being more risky with their investments but you know what they say - the more risk - the more reward. So based off these definitions, we can conclude that there are there are 3 key differences to traders and investors- Time, analysis, and risk. (Details in video)

-its exciting- lord knows we can all use some excitement in our lives
-its educational - you start learning about the markets, the economy, and understanding how the world operates which is a big thing IMO.
- you can make a lot of money fast - and yes you could make money in a few days or weeks but fast in my eyes could even be a year or two using something like LEAPS. Insert rocket emojis he/re
-stressful - you ever try to hold a option expiring the next day overnight? yea you dont know stress
-addictive- i mean there is a reason why people compare trading to gambling at a casino...
- you can lose all your money - the high risk nature of trading means you have a higher chance to blow up your account and now you gotta start from scratch. good job

-compound interest - albert einstein said compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. thats gotta be a pro
-no hassle - no stress, no racking your brain trying to find the next big thing, you just set it anddd? (meme)
-confident gains - the US stock market has a proven track record that if you buy and hold over a long period of time you will make money.
its boring
its slow
you won’t 10x your money

Now my question to YOU is - which of those characteristics appealed to YOU? Which do you see yourself more as? and more importantly which can we benefit from? I’m going to make a prediction that most of you will be torn between the two - knowing full well the proven track record of investing long term but maybe not having the patience for it. You like the excitement of making money off trades - you like being able to make a quick profit because you need that money to do whatever you want to do with it - deep down you know you should stop day trading and just put the money automatically away and not even think about it until decades later. I know it’s not that easy so you’re probably asking yourself - hey Alex what do YOU do? Look I was in the same boat - my mom started a long term investment fund when I was about 15 years old - put money in it every month with the idea that I will continue adding to it and having it grow using the magic of compounding interest and then id be RICH- aaand then at about 17 years old I took that money out and spent it partying in Europe. SO MAYBE DON’T BE LIKE ME? WELL now that I’m older and wear a robe, I like to think a little wiser - I have broken up my trader vs investor philosophy as follows : (Watch video for full details)

BONUS : In this video I will also share what I do and what I WOULD do if I were in my 20's, 30's etc. This is a plan of action that can work in growing wealth.

DISCLAIMER : I am not a financial advisor - none of the above video is meant to be taken as investment advice. I am just showcasing MY own strategy and my investments should not be tried and duplicated based solely off the information in this video for risk of losing money.

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