1oct2021 paya lebar #GBG186L toyota dyna #GBE1709H nissan nv200 fail to conform to red light signal

1oct2021 paya lebar #GBG186L toyota dyna #GBE1709H nissan nv200 fail to conform to red light signal

1oct2021 0845hrs
paya lebar road
#GBG186L toyota dyna
#GBE1709H nissan nv200
fail to conform to red light signal
Two light goods vehicle GBG186L and GBE1709H blatantly beating red arrow more than 10 secs after lights changed.
2nd vehicle GBE1709H caused an old uncle on a scooter from the opposite lane to fall off his scooter likely due to e-braking to avoid the vehicle.


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