Digging for bottles at a local bottle dump site uncovers what appears to be a fairly rare 1890s Harvard Bronchial Syrup bottle...
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Rubifoam For The Teeth Put Up By E.W. Hoyt & Co. Lowell Mass. The Abner Royce Co. Pure Fruit Flavors Cleveland O. Whittemore Boston Larkin Buffalo Dr. Chase's Syrup Linseed & Turpentine Edmanson Bates & Co. Mellin's Food Co. Boston U.S. Large Size Sperm Sewing Machine Oil (Made From Sperm Whale Oil)
Old Homestead Ginger Beer Full Pint Minard's Liniment Florida Water spin mold turn mold Mason Jars Oil Lamp Globe ginger beer skull and crossbones poison liq. iodine olive oil Twitchell Champlin Neuralgic Anodyne Blue Atlas Mason clay marble Bell Ans
Stafford's Ink blown in mold BIM Carter's Cone Ink Carter's Ink Manganese Glass perfume with glass stopper Kepler extract bottle Antituberculosis serum Shoo Fly flask Chesebrough Vaseline New York Metal Detecting 1800's Cellar Hole Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Poison Iodine Tincture Of Camphor Saigon Cinnamon Rhubarb Extract Witch Hazel Old English Vanishing Cream coffin flask relics Scott's emulsion cod liver oil with lime and soda Dr. Hubbard's disinfectant deodorant and germicide New Hampshire usa awl tea strainer crock stoneware bead clay marble cobalt coffin poison carbolic acid use with caution O.C.P. Ontario College Of Pharmacy Jos Middleby Jr Inc. Boston Mass. Havey & Wilson Eastport Maine Pure Spring soda bottle Nu Grape soda Canadian Jewel Mason Jar lid Father John's Medicine Kendall S Spavin Treatment
Excelsior Old English Ginger Beer Calais and St. Stephen C. Damschinsky liquid Hair Dye New York Larkin Buffalo Minard's Liniment Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Lime And Soda Glass Stopper Kirker Greer Shamrock Belfast Whisky C.W. Link Drug Company 1890s
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