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Sometimes, we are unsure of what to do when it comes to progressing with our relationship. We often desire to hear God speak to us regarding what to do in certain situations. While this isn’t bad in entirety, it is necessary for us to know what God has already said in His word. In today’s video, we will be talking about the “3 signs God is leading you to move on from someone”. Please like this video, share it to those who might need it and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this.
• There are times God will lead us away from someone. We might not be happy about this because most times we are close to this person and we have become used to them being around. But we should know that God is doing this for different reasons. God will definitely want us not to honour any relationship that works against His plans and purposes for our life. God is a very serious God. He is so serious that He sent His only son Jesus Christ to leave His heavenly glory and comfort to become like man. To function in our limited bodies. To teach us and show us who He is and what His love is about. He came to die and save us from eternal damnation. Jesus is currently interceding for us and the Holy Spirit is still working round the clock to make sure our life has meaning and ends up the perfect way it should be. The last thing God will want is for us is a relationship with someone that will ruin the work He has been doing for us.
Here are 3 clear signs that show that God isn’t in support of the relationship you’re in and He wants you to move on.
1) when the relationship is with an unbeliever. The Scriptures are very clear on this particular issue. Anytime you date someone who doesn’t believe in God, know that God isn’t in support. 2 Corinthians 6 vs 14 says “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” God has called you to be a light to the world not a light in partnership with the world. The world has a way of blowing out your candle. And God obviously doesn’t want this. God is jealously guarding your salvation. Whenever you have a dream, a gentle nudge, a knowing or an impression to leave a relationship, ask yourself, is this person a child of God? If not, you don’t need to pray to know what God is saying. God is telling you right now to leave so you don’t end up like Solomon. God had laid down rules for the people of Israel including their kings. One of them is found in Deuteronomy 17 vs 17. It says “The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the LORD. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself.” But Solomon made sure he did exactly what God said don’t do and before we judge him, most of us are doing the exact same thing he did; disobeying God. Solomon who offered a thousand burnt offerings to God and built a temple for God, Solomon who God blessed with so much wisdom and wealth ended up as a failure. And this was caused by his relationships. 1 Kings 11 vs 4 says “For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away to follow other gods; and his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of his father David had been.” And 1 Kings 11 vs 9 says “Now the LORD grew angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.” Eventually your relationship with an unbeliever will also cause you to become an unbeliever. The bible does say in Amos 3 vs 3 “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” This is why God doesn’t want us to be in a relationship with unbelievers. If you’re enjoying this video, please don’t forget to like, share it and subscribe to this YouTube channel for more videos like this.
2) when the person works against your relationship with God. This point is almost similar to the first point because it also has the same effect, a turning away from God. But this time, even fellow Christians can turn you away from God. If you used to always pray and study the Word but all of a sudden you stopped or reduced because of your new relationship, something is wrong. You’re supposed to keep growing in prayer, in worship and in everything that has to do with God. A new partner should even cause you to grow more not to reduce. Again, you don’t need to pray to know God’s will. He is telling you right now as you hear this to leave that relationship. It is important to obey what God is saying.


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