CC is coming! stay tuned!
(also did you spot the SNL reference??)
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🍒 po box 🍒
PO Box 52601
Mississauga, ON
L5J 4S6
😊 10% off at Glossier 😊
🍄 music 🍄
Intro Music: June Blues by Eric Reprid - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvJoV9-iR20
books mentioned:
beautiful world where are you by sally rooney
memorial by bryan washington
the haunting of hill house by shirly jackson
revenge by yoko ogawa
the razors edge by w. somerset maugham
wuthering heights by emily bronte
macbeth by wiliam shakespear
kim jiyoung born 1982 by cho nam-joo
sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle
sleepwalking by meg wolitzer
like me by hayley phelan
the princess diarist by carrie fisher
the nancy drew series
norweigian wood by haruki murikami