CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life

CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life

CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life

#canalboat #narrowboatlife #canalboatcosts

In this weeks episode we head down to Trinity Marina in Hinckley to catch up with my friend Jordan who has recently bought himself a Canal Boat to live in.
The last time Jordan appeared on Drunk On Wanderlust we were wild camping The Great Glen way together, but since then a lot has changed in his life!

He decided narrow boat life was the way forward, and hasn’t looked back. He kindly invited myself and Danni to stay for a few days to experience first hand the realities of Canal boat living In the UK and of course the costs involved.

We had a good look around his boat and found out the pros and cons compared to living in a conventional house or flat. After that we took the canal boat for a trip down Ashby Canal, so I could have a go at driving the narrow boat and try my hand at mooring for the first time.

We made it to Sutton Wharf where we moored about 100 meters from the cafe.
I loved every minute and was eager to hear about the costs involved of owning a canal boat home in England.

It was interesting to see how the narrow boat was heated and how the electricity worked whilst out on the water, also the diesel costs.

Jordan is definitely happy with his decision, and seems very content with boat life 😃 I must admit I am quite tempted myself! But atm, whilst I’m travelling so much and with my plans to go abroad for a while next year it wouldn’t be feasible.

I hope you enjoy this video, and if you haven’t already… hit that subscribe button for more adventures! Next week I am attempting another long distance walking trail, The Whereyman’s Way from Norwich to Great Yarmouth. I’ve also got a fun Halloween wild camp coming up shortly on haunted Pendle Hill!

Stay safe everyone 😃

Canal boatCanal boat livingCanal boat living UK

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