In this episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai unexpectedly had an affordable Yakiniku (Japanese grilled meats) meal in a coffee shop! In this new series of (HDB Tai Tai 4.0), they also visit some tastefully designed HDB for inspiration. They are also going to shop for quirky lifestyle products that reminds them of childhood memories. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,黄太和陈太在咖啡店品尝了意想不到的上等烤肉!新系列的 (HDB太太 4.0)中,他们为了寻找室内装修的灵感,决定拜访一些设计独特的组屋。他们也到一家充满童年回忆的生活精品店逛逛,让家增添几分温暖。记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!
#HDBTaiTai4 #HDB太太4
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