La Laguna village faces its critical moment in the face of lava flows

La Laguna village faces its critical moment in the face of lava flows

"The neighborhood of La Laguna faces its most critical moment in the face of the evolution of the lava flows. Although it has not yet touched the center of the Los Llanos de Aridane neighborhood, the concern is great and an exhaustive control of the evolution of the flows is carried out to know its progress. Undoubtedly, the residents of this area, who are evicted from their homes, live the most critical hours since the beginning of the eruption due to the devastating potential of the volcano.

The director of Pevolca Scientific Committee, Migue Morcuende, points out that we are facing 24 crucial hours to know if it reaches the center of La Laguna. The flow that was broken off from the Callejón de la Gata industrial park points towards the center of La Laguna, but there is no certainty that it will arrive because there are a couple of troughs that would push it to the southwest.

According to Morcuende, the worst possible scenario would be to follow another trough and try to get closer to the center of La Laguna, which would cause greater damage, hence the monitoring and surveillance continues. In any case, the technical director indicated that in less than 24 hours the final direction of this wash will be known.

On the other hand, there are a series of spillovers that are above the previous run that are also gaining more strength. However, Miguel Ángel Morcuende pointed out that the trend is clearly to join in on this flow.

On the other hand, the flow located southwest of the Montaña de La Laguna (which the Military Emergency Unit has called the flow 7) is currently just 120 meters from the cliff of the west coast of La Palma, therefore that in the event that it finally reaches the sea, the confinement will be ordered not only of the neighborhoods of San Borondón, Marina Alta, Marina Baja and La Condesa, but also of the town of Tazacorte.

The technical director of Pevolca, Miguel Ángel Morcuende, has indicated that this flow yesterday had a significant stoppage and there was practically no progress; However, as of 05.00 hours today, it began to receive significant energy inputs and is moving again in the direction of the sea, at a speed of between 5 and 10 meters per hour.

Miguel Ángel Morcuende stated that, as is already known, the contact of lava with the sea can cause explosions and the emanation of gases that are harmful to the nearby population, which is why, in this case, the confinement of some coastal centers of Tazacorte would be decreed, as was done with the previous wash that reached the sea, and also from the hull, due to its proximity, just 1 km to the north.

Regarding air quality, Miguel Ángel Morcuende once again insisted on the problems caused by the low height of the thermal inversion, which prevents the dispersion of gases and the circulation of suspended particles, which is causing that in certain areas , especially in the municipality of El Paso, there is poor air quality. For this reason, self-confinement is still recommended and, in the case of having to go outside, the use of FFP2 or higher masks. This situation will vary from 9:00 p.m., when the prevailing winds will be from land to sea and will favor the dispersion of pollutants.


The area affected by runoff reaches the figure of 779.89 hectares, 16.57 more than yesterday. The maximum width between casts remains at 2,900 meters. The effect on the crop surface is 234.26 hectares, 6.17 more than the last day. Of these, 133.42 are banana plantations, 52.27 are vineyards and 17.07 are avocado trees.

Regarding the people housed, there are a total of 353, of which 336 are housed in the Hotel Princess in Fuencaliente and 17 in the Hotel Valle de Aridane in Los Llanos. Miguel Ángel Morcuende pointed out that of the 336 people staying at the Princess Hotel, 20 people will leave this afternoon to join the list of the other Hotel in Los Llanos due to the triage that has been carried out through the Social Services of the City Council and the Office of Management..."

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