Lorena Perez | Moms For Prop A | For a SAFER Austin

Lorena Perez | Moms For Prop A | For a SAFER Austin

Lorena Perez | Moms For Prop A | For a SAFER Austin. How Does Prop A Make Austin Safer?
True Community Policing Reform:
Shifts Austin Police Officer financial incentives towards the right thing: Having zero community complaints at the end of each year.

Creates incentives for a more representative Police Force by paying more for officers who are proficient in the foreign languages most commonly spoken in Austin - and assigning them to those neighborhoods.

Ensures that officers spend a significantly higher (35%) percent of their time doing community policing. That’s how we come together.

Better Officer Training
This requires double the mandatory annual training hour for our police officers. Austin’s city officials will determine what goes into those additional mandatory hours, but we’ve publicly suggested a strong focus on things that everyone cares about, like de-escalation or, the opposite, active shooter.

The Right Size For Our Growing City
Despite a skyrocketing population, Austin now has the lowest police staffing levels it has ever had. Prop A fixes this by requiring the city to hire and maintain more officers and to rapidly catch up to the number of officers we have lost or fired when city council defunded the police in 2019. We’re 320 officers short of where we were then, and we’re already seeing the impact on investigations (Gangs Unit disbanded) and thwarting crime (911 can no longer be used for burglary or suspicious persons).


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