In this video we share how Pope John Paul II appears with Our Lady of Medjugorje to the visionary Ivan just hours after the Holy Father died in Rome.
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic shared that the Virgin Mary brought Pope John Paul II with her when she appeared to him in the evening of April 2nd 2005, just four hours after the Pope had died.
Ivan related at the time:
“When Mary appeared to me, I saw him by her side: the Pope was smiling, he looked young and was really happy. He was dressed in white and with a golden coat. The Virgin Mary turned toward him, and the two, looking at each other, both smiled, an extraordinary, wonderful smile. John Paul II was ecstatic as he watched her and Our Lady said to me:
“My dear son is here with me.”
“He did not add anything but his face was radiant like that of the Pope who was next to her and kept on looking at her face.”
Saint Pope John Paul II strongly believed in the Virgin Mary’s still ongoing apparitions in Medjugorje. The first signs of his belief appeared as second-hand quotes passed on by (often high ranking) members of the clergy who had talked to the Pope about Medjugorje.
Pope John Paul II; who was a great contemplative, was instead profoundly open to the supernatural.
As evidenced by his veneration for St. Faustina Kowalska, one of the greatest mystics of the twentieth century. Saint Faustina was canonized by Pope John Paul and he also instituted the feast of Divine Mercy that was to be the key to the reading of the twentieth century and of history as a whole.
That the Pope's death took place precisely on this feast of Divine Mercy is extraordinarily significant.
It was a "first Saturday" of the month, the day on which; according to the pious practice established by the Virgin of Fatima; she herself calls those who entrust themselves to her.
Under this pontificate, Medjugorje has indeed become one of the centers of the Christian world.
This page celebrates: Everything Catholic, Saints, Sacraments, Prayer, Medjugorje and Catholic Culture.
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