Welcome to my update for the handheld red light therapy device review. In this video, I'll tell you more about my recent EMF exposure findings. If you want to buy a handheld unit, check for discount code ALEX and links to the websites below in the description.
Here's what I found regarding the EMF exposure:
✅ I decided to do create another YouTube video about EMF, specifically about the EMF exposure from a closer distance. In my previous video, I only tested EMF from a 6-inch distance. But, many people use their handheld red light therapy unit from a lot closer, thereby increasing the EMF exposure.
✅ The solution? Another video where Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) is tested from up close! Why? Many people use these devices right onto their body or an inch or 1-2 away.
✅ In my video, I'm testing for magnetic fields and electric fields. The reason I leave out radio waves and microwaves is that none of these devices have any EMF emitted in that area, such as WiFi or BlueTooth.
✅ The surprising outcome? None of the devices emitted any unsafe levels of EMF at any distance, in the magnetic field readings!
✅ One device had an uptick in the electric fields, unfortunately, which is the Gembared Spazer. The readings there were rock bottom but existent and still safe at 0-inches. The reason the Gembared had an uptick is because it's battery-powered.
✅ My conclusions? First of all, don't be concerned with EMF exposure with any of these devices, even directly against your skin.
✅ And, my second conclusion is that ALL of these devices are perfectly safe from an EMF exposure standpoint.
So, do you want to get a red light therapy handheld device? In that case, the discount codes for all the handheld red light therapy units are:
1) Infraredi Micro - use THIS link with code ALEX for a discount: https://aferg.co/infraredi
2) Light Path LED - use THIS link with code ALEX for a discount: https://aferg.co/lightpathled
3) Blublox Hive Mini - use THIS link with code ALEX for a discount: https://aferg.co/blublox
4) Rouge Nano - use THIS link with code ALEX for a discount https://aferg.co/rougecare
5) Joovv Mini 2.0 - use THIS link, without discount code right now, unfortunately: https://aferg.co/8f14f View the Joovv Go 2.0 first impression video here: https://aferg.co/joovvgo2
6) Mito Red Mito Flex - use THIS link with code ALEX for a discount: https://aferg.co/7d221
7) Gembared Spazer - use THIS link with code ALEX for a discount: https://aferg.co/gembared
For my previous handheld red light therapy device review YouTube video, check: https://aferg.co/handheld-YT-review
For my blog post, check: https://aferg.co/handheld-blog
Next up, check this link for my red light therapy buyer's guide, first up, the YT video: https://aferg.co/YT-RLT-Buyers
And lastly, there's the blog post which contains the Excel sheet as well: https://aferg.co/RLTguide
- Oura Ring - https://aferg.co/ourar3349f
- Red Light Therapy (use code ALEX to save) - https://aferg.co/redlight
- Iherb Supplements (use code BHS654 for a discount) - https://aferg.co/2lGseUy
- Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses (use code ALEXFERGUS to save) - https://aferg.co/swanw9f24f
- Qualia Nootropic (use code FERGUS to save) - http://bit.ly/2Fr4AB8
- Seed Daily Synbiotic - Order at http://shrsl.com/1qrk0
- Sun Stream Sauna - (mention my name for a free gift and a discount ) https://aferg.co/sun
- Hormone Reset Program - http://www.jointheprogram.online
See more here - https://www.alexfergus.com/blog/alex-fergus-use-recommends-products-biohacks
PS. Find Me:
- My blog - https://www.alexfergus.com/blog/
- My website - https://www.alexfergus.com/
- Youtube - http://aferg.co/2z8N0Sr
- About Me - https://aferg.co/2hkbjlH
00:00 EMF Update Introduction
01:57 Why New Readings
02:34 EMF Readings Outcome
03:37 Conclusions