Static fires are BACK! Ship 20 roars three times, 2 static fires and a preburner test. Stage Zero catch arms are ON, and the tank farm is complete! Elsewhere, SLS Artemis I is FULLY STACKED, NASA prepares Crew-3 for the ISS, and Astra get ready for attempt number 4 of Rocket 3!
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Full Space News Playlist:
The Epic Starship Development Infographic was created by the amazing Brendan Lewis!
Starship, Starbase, and all other rocket Photographers:
📸 Austin Barnard ► https://twitter.com/austinbarnard45
📸 Ocean Cam ► https://twitter.com/obetraveller & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF8IYFF60clbbznjvJ7qoTQ
📸 Sean | Deimos ► https://twitter.com/planetdeimos
📸 CNunezIMAGES ► https://twitter.com/cnunezimages & https://www.cnunezimages.com/
📸 Adrian Aguilar ► https://twitter.com/SpxAdrian
📸 Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut ► https://twitter.com/Erdayastronaut
📸 Cosmic Perspective ► https://twitter.com/considercosmos
📸 Kyle Montgomery ► https://www.kylemphoto.com/ & https://twitter.com/Kyle_M_Photo
📸 Nic Ansuini ► https://twitter.com/NicAnsuini
📸 /u/FlintSmith ► https://bit.ly/3jbzhA2
All the 3D Animations and Renders were by the amazing:
🚀Corey ► https://twitter.com/C_Bass3d & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxnH8AW5-zlEZkmdHx95HLw
🚀Spacex 3D Creation Eccentric ► https://twitter.com/Bl3D_Eccentric & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRqNQqEW4nKlZ9A0Lpfxo6g
🚀Erik ► https://twitter.com/ErcXspace
🚀SmallStar ► https://twitter.com/smvllstvrs
🚀Matt Ryan ► https://twitter.com/MattR5226 & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0oP_hNkRB1ix63bDIhzi2A
🚀Neopork ► https://twitter.com/Neopork85
🚀Alex Svan ► https://twitter.com/AlexSvanArt
🚀Evan Karen ► https://www.youtube.com/c/EvanKaren
🚀Sam Krug ► https://twitter.com/samuel_krug
🚀Spaceport3D ► https://twitter.com/Spaceport3D
🚀Nick Henning ► https://twitter.com/nickhenning3d
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