Alpo Martinez, - bieng pull out the truck by officers & undercover Agent's 💀

Alpo Martinez, - bieng pull out the truck by officers & undercover Agent's 💀

what do you guys see in this video........
We're the police trying to help alpo & or was it something else going on ....................

Let me know what you guys think about this

Here is the footage ▶️

my deepest condolences to the family & friends 🙏🏾

(video credit Battle Truth 1uf)

Paid in full the movie 🎬.....

Book 📖 recommendation .....
Monster Cody . . . . .

by Sanyika Shakur......

Life story autobiography of a L.A gang member....................

Best Prices always Target

Bats N Rome 👂

#alpo Martinez#maxj#Harlem

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