Breaking Barriers to Solar: Customized Solar Options for Your Organization Webinar (11/16/21)

Breaking Barriers to Solar: Customized Solar Options for Your Organization Webinar (11/16/21)

Installing solar is far from being a one-size-fits-all process. Organizations including schools, houses of worship, and nonprofits have unique energy profiles, building structures, and financial constraints that need to be considered. Whether you have the space for a large parking canopy or a roof that’s ready for solar, there is a clean energy option available that best aligns with your mission and priorities. In this webinar, we explore options to own your solar panels outright, as well as other forms of financing including grant funding, low-interest loans, or no-cost power purchase agreements.

This webinar was co-hosted by Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light and Resonant Energy on November 16, 2021


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