Bulgaria: Hundreds of troops deployed to Turkish border against migrant influx

Bulgaria: Hundreds of troops deployed to Turkish border against migrant influx

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Hundreds of troops have been deployed by Bulgarian forces along the border with Turkey, to stop illegal migrant crossings, as seen near Sladun village, Thursday.
Soldiers could be seen stationed along the border with dogs, with several carrying out restorative work to damaged parts of the border fence.
According to Defense Minister Georgi Panayotov, around 350 soldiers and 40 military vehicles were deployed to aid border police with 'surveillance and protection.'
The 260 kilometre-long border fence was built between 2013-2018 to prevent migrants from illegally crossing into the EU from neighbouring Turkey.
According to the country's interior ministry, 6,500 illegal border crossings have been made into

SOT, Boyko Rashkov, Interior Minister (Bulgarian): "The actual migrant's pressure is not very different from the one we know in the past one or two months.“

SOT, Boyko Rashkov, Interior Minister (Bulgarian): “We have the assurance of the Turkish interior minister, that Turkey is taking the necessary measures to not send mass waves (of migrants) to our borders.“

SOT, Georgi Panayotov, Minister of Defense (Bulgarian): “What you see here are members of the Bulgarian Land Forces who has the special mission to help the restoration of the fence facility. At the same time along the border around 350 soldiers have been deployed from the land forces as well, joined with 40 military units equipment. Those soldiers are helping border police on the border surveillance and protection."

SOT, Deyan Mollov, Head of Border Police (Bulgarian): “For the last 24 hours at the Bulgarian-Turkish border we have 192 people who were not allowed to pass the border illegally. Inside the country we have arrested only one illegal migrant."

SOT, Deyan Mollov, Head of Border Police (Bulgarian): "The migrants use different methods to breach the fence - jumping over, cutting the grid and going under ground – those are the most common.“Bulgaria in 2021 so far, three times the amount recorded in the first nine months of 2020.

#Bulgaria #Turkey #Migrants

Video ID: 20211104-054

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