Each November, Defend the Orphan Month has a simple goal: to raise awareness about the global orphan crisis, and offer practical opportunities for you to get involved.
Why do we take orphan care so seriously? Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows.”
Unless someone defends the orphan, they’re defenseless. Unless someone speaks for them, they wont be heard. We close to defend them and speak for them, and are asking you to do the same.
Did you know there are over 150 million orphans in the world today? And only 250,000 of them will be adopted each year? That leaves 99% to be rescued right where they are.
That’s where Coreluv comes in. Our vision is to bring the LUV of Jesus to orphans around the world by providing for their six basic needs: clean water, proper food, healthcare, education, job skills, and a Christ-centered loving home.
We’d like to share the story of one of these children with you…
Billy was brought to one of our Children’s Villages in Haiti when his father couldn’t provide his basic needs, and his mother was nowhere to be found. Attempts to reunite Billy with his father were made, but his father never returned.
Through the LUV of Jesus, Billy has experienced healing and restoration. His basic needs are met, and he’s thriving and growing up right before our eyes. Billy is a brilliant young man who loves to think and read, and his hope for the future is to become a pilot.
Billy will soon be part of Coreluv’s Transition Program, where he will receive mentorship, spiritual development, life skills, and attend a trade school.
Will you help us defend more children like Billy? The best way to do that is by becoming a Defender. A Defender is a monthly partner with Coreluv. 100% of your donation goes to providing the six basic needs of children, and allows us to say YES to rescuing more orphans just like Billy.
Thank you for defending the orphan with us.
Become a Defender at https://coreluv.org/defend
#coreluv #defendtheorphan #defendtheorphanmonth