Lewis Hamilton Is The Greatest Athlete Of All Time | Up to Speed

Lewis Hamilton Is The Greatest Athlete Of All Time | Up to Speed

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Can a Formula 1 driver really be the greatest athlete of all time? YES, and his name is Lewis Hamilton! But there’s more to that GOAT status than his astonishing SEVEN Championship wins. He’s a working class person of color in a sport long-dominated by rich white dudes, the first black F1 champ in history, and a just plain nice guy. Lewis Hamilton almost single-handedly saved Formula 1 from death by boredom. But how did he get to the top from such humble beginnings? Who helped him become the inspiration he is today? And did you know F1 drivers lose 9 POUNDS OF SWEAT during a race? Find out all this and more with host James Pumphrey as he gets you Up To Speed on The Greatest Athlete Of All Time, Lewis Hamilton!

Big ups to the one and only Zach Redpath for the edit. Zach was the throbbing visual soul of Donut for years, and he just busted out to explore the world. We ain’t mad about it. Godspeed, you beautiful maniac!

Thanks to Megan Stump and Raghav Arumugam for their fresh AF animations.
Check out more of Megan’s work at: https://www.megantstump.com
Peep Raghav’s YouTube channel for more hilarity: https://www.youtube.com/ragsanimations

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