Vladimir Putin considers it necessary to clearly define the limits and ethical standards in the field of genetic technologies.
"It is quite obvious that legislation in the field of genetics should leave wide room for scientific research and creating innovations in medicine, veterinary medicine, breeding, and in other areas. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly define the limits in the use of genetic technologies," he said on Wednesday.
According to the president, the ethical norms in this area "must be understandable, recognized by researchers and business, and, which is fundamentally important, [must] be accepted by society, [must] have people's trust".
Putin recalled that a program was launched two years ago dedicated to developing genetic technologies. In this regard, the President proposed to evaluate its results, the problems that have emerged, and make additional decisions that will help move forward faster, taking into account the speed with which genetics is developing all over the world.
"I mean both fundamental science and the development of advanced industries, entire economic sectors that are associated with it. I propose focusing on the legal regulation of genomic research and the use of genetic technologies. Like in all advanced areas, humanity here is still walking an unknown path, there are many complex, controversial legal and humanitarian issues," Putin added.
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