Superheroes to the rescue! Nina and Nico are at the playground helping their friends play safely. Nina prevents a bicycle from hurting Mimi. Nico helps a nice lady find her lost dog. Mommy and Daddy are watching and are so proud of them! Watch as Nina and Nico save the day in this new video by Little World! #littleworldnurseryrhymes #learningsongs #kidssongs
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Song Lyrics
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
Help is on the way
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
We can save the day
Oh no
Watch out
Always check around before you go!
If you
Look out
You will be okay! Now you know
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
Help is on the way
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
We can save the day
Oh no
There there
Always stay around, please stay close
If you
Stay close
You will be okay! Now you know
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
Help is on the way
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
We can save the day
Oh no
There there
You need to drink water, there you go
If you
Drink now
You will be okay! Now you know
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
Help is on the way
We are superheroes
Super-duper superheroes
We can save the day
Oh no
There there
I have found your nut, here you go
If you
Look out
You will be okay! Now you know
Listen To Other Little World Songs:
Wheels On The Ambulance + More ►► https://youtu.be/nFePJLfYEcc
Doctor, Police And Fireman ►► https://youtu.be/NyLwuJ7apUY
Teddy Bear ►► https://youtu.be/UH3MLcqaNmc
The Boo Boo Song ►► https://youtu.be/sLsjlC96S3Y
Listen To Our Popular Playlist:
Rescue Songs ►► https://bit.ly/LW_Rescue_Songs
#littleworldkidsvideos #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs
These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading, and writing skills.
Animations by: Valnet Inc.
Copyright 2021 Valnet