Around 2012 young money was an established force in the hip hop game. Lil Wayne released the Carter 4 a year prior, an album that nearly sold a million copies in the first week. Since around 2008, young money had a foothold on the game but by 2012 the crew’s impact was beginning to deminish. While the young money roster was losing steam, one person who thought it would be a great time to join the label was none other than ridiculousness’ own, Chanel west coast.
Also watch What Happened To:
Diddy's Making Da Band 2 - https://youtu.be/smk7pJLx4EE
City High - https://youtu.be/edYZ5yJVFLQ
Amil - https://youtu.be/cql67qRo_v0
And more here - https://www.youtube.com/c/AliTalksMusic
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