SFM FNaF Security Breach vs Withered Security Breach (Five Nights at Freddy's Fight Animation)
In this FNAF animation, the Security Breach animatronics are up against the NEW Lava Animatronics created by the Rooster Time team! Make sure you watch to the end to see who wins.
Subscribe To Rooster Time It's FREE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbxK45q6o3RnTzGmFSiytoQ?sub_confirmation=1
FNAF AR Damaged Daycare Attendant Animatronics Workshop Animations: https://youtu.be/9BNoDj1vpCg
[SFM FNaF] Nightmare VR vs Toxic Animatronics: https://youtu.be/lwbVDYgh-LM
Music licensed from https://www.epidemicsound.com/
And Here We Are - Deathkite
The Average Treatment - Jon Sumner
Animation hand made using Source Film Maker (No Motion Capture)
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoosterTime
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/RoosterCinema
Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach Game Belongs to Steel Wool Studios.