In the world we are in now, many homeowners are not seeing agents actually "MARKETING HOMES".
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Yes, there are a lot of agents bragging about how many homes they sold or how many offers they got, or even how many agents they have recruited. With this in mind, WHY would a seller feel compelled to hire an agent to MARKET THEIR HOME.
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In this week's episode Buddy Blake, of Waypost Realty in Wilmington NC, will share the emotional wall he recently slammed into as none of the "normal" seller marketing tools that have worked for decades are working in this environment. He read a little book called "Sell Differently" and decided to re-think and re-deploy his media budget from being self imaged based to doing real-time TRANSPARENT OPEN HOUSE PREMIERS that allows all buyers (and agents) to have a chance to see the home and also provides the buyers (and their agents) with upfront inspections, disclosures and more so all buyers can make their highest and best offer price, non-refundable deposits and at a timeline that works for the home seller.
Register now at http://engagedagent.com.
By doing this we are helping our sellers get MORE MONEY, MORE DEPOSITS, and even time after closing to find another house to buy. THE BIG AHA IS THAT WE ARE GETTING SELLERS CALLING because they actually see us doing something DIFFERENT and they get it. Join us LIVE as we break it all down and share real-life cases, radio spots, social posts, email blasts, and more.
Learn more about Robert and Sierra Interactive at http://sierrainteractive.com
Learn more about Buddy Blake at http://buddyblake.coach