This job was bigger than we thought! This video is a job we did to replace the broken eye and repair the barrel end on a hydraulic cylinder ripper lift barrel for a Caterpillar D10 Bulldozer. The eye was completely broken in half and had started pulling out of the base of the barrel causing bad cracks. This shows the step by step process to replace the eye on the hydraulic cylinder barrel and repair the cracks in the barrel end. We start with cutting the broken eye off, chasing out the cracks in the barrel end and stick welding to repair the end. We also machine up a new eye before fitting and welding the eye onto the barrel. We use our milling machine to finish bore the eye to spec before drilling & tapping a hole for the grease port. What do you think of the finished part?
In this video we are using:
- Hafco TM-1740G LAthe
- Hafco BM-63VE Milling machine
- WIA 500i Weldmatic welder
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