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Register to get 3USDT, the minimum deposit is 2USDT.
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VIP level distribution information:

VIP0: Register an experience account / The system will give 3 USDT / deposit 2 USDT to be promoted to VIP1.

VIP1: selling price 5 USDT/daily commission 0.6 USDT/daily profit rate 12%

VIP2: selling price 30 USDT/daily commission 3.9 USDT/daily profit rate 13%

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Level 1 member 6%, the other party recharges 1000 USDT, you get 60 USDT
3% for level 2 members, the other party recharges 1000 USDT, you get 30 USDT
2% for level 3 members, the other party recharges 1000 USDT, you get 20 USDT

When you encounter problems that cannot be solved, please feel free to contact the official customer service.
Customer service telegram link:

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Time'Stamp 👇👇👇

00:00 How To Earn Money
01:01 How to register
02:01 How to do deposit
03:01 How Invest work
04:01 How Team earning work
05:01 how to earn more
06:01 How To withdraw your money
07:01 How To refer and earn money

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