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On Thursday, the inflation numbers came out. Many people started running victory laps as the inflation numbers slowed down more than what was forecasted.
As everybody's concerned about how tight the Federal Reserve is getting, saying they're going to cause a recession or a depression, this is being looked at by the market as good news as it gives the Federal Reserve room to stop fighting inflation so hard.
As a result of the lighter inflation reading, we're seeing the Nasdaq up about 6%, and the S&P 500 up about 5%, and the Russell 2000 up about 6% as well.
Not to mention, assets like gold are up about two and a half percent. Silver is up about two and a half percent. Meanwhile, rates are plummeting like the ten-year down almost 6% right now.
0:00 Inflation Begins to Decelerate
1:26 Debt Creation the Cause of Inflation
2:52 Americans Dig Deeper into Debt to Compete with Prices
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#Inflation #StockMarket #FedTightening