I was marooned on an island and had no internet when my front sprocket wore out. But fortune smiled upon me when a suitable front sprocket from a different bike floated in on a turtles back. I traded 18 shells for the sprocket, fixed up the bike and rode across the sea back home. I did accidentally go the wrong way, but then I figured who cares? The planet’s round so whatever’s whatever, and besides this thing is really good on gas.
Then I woke up and it occurred to me that this dream might have been divine inspiration, so I immediately took my bike down to the river and threw it in. But it sank. So after a day of snorkeling I found the bike, fished it out of the water and to my surprise….. the sprocket was already fixed! Was it all just a dream? Or did a leviathan fix my bike? Who knows. But I won’t swim in that part of the river ever again.
Ok awesome. So if you’re reading this far, you’ve got more patience than me, ‘cause I couldn’t even be bothered to type all this. I’m actually dictating to one of the local homeless in exchange for alcohol. Now I did kinda say that I wouldn’t be editing videos n’ stuff, and that I’d be just sharing knowledge and ideas n’ stuff, but then I found this homeless guy who works for 10 bucks worth of listerine per video and I was like daaaang that’s a good deal you know. So I guess I’ll probably be uploading the odd edited video until this guy dies of alcohol poisoning or passes out on the road and gets run over or something. Ok buddy, you can upload that and we’ll go to the store. Oh wait put a picture of a sexy woman on the thumbnail too. No, don’t type that. Hey stop… look just give me the phone back please. Thanks.