We finally made it to the Miles Of Mayhem in Alberta Canada. For those of you thank don't know, Miles Of Mayhem is essentially a Canadian race week consisting of 5 tracks and 1700 street driven miles.
Our 55 Chevy was assembled in 4 days and was completely un tested! We showed up late to day 1 of racing and spend the first day finishing assembly of the car. Other racers and spectators helped us out in any way they could. So THANKS to anyone that was hanging around helping out. This would not have been possible without you.
Once the 55 Chevy was patched together and "passed" tech we took he down the track for a few test hits. It definitely didn't set the world on fire but we had the first hit in the books and it was time to hit the road.
The road is where the real struggle happened! I was going on 40 hours with no sleep and the car continued to fight us every step of the way. Race week is hard! Hope you all the enjoy the videos. I am totally addicted to this style of racing!
Leave me a few comments down below, love to read em.
Also buy a shirt so I can buy more hood scoops:
Send us your Junk:
DD Speed Shop
Po box 42041
1881 Portage ave
Ferry Road RPO
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3J 3X7
Send me an email with some suggestions or ideas