S. Korea's COVID-19 tally expected to reach 1,600 on Wednesday

S. Korea's COVID-19 tally expected to reach 1,600 on Wednesday

'확진자 급증' 오후 9시까지 이미 1천440명…최다 기록 또 깨져

South Korea is expected to see another record daily COVID-19 tally on Wednesday,...coming in at around 16-hundred.
According to local health authorities, 14-hundred-forty people had tested positive from midnight to 9 PM on Tuesday.
That's four-hundred 33 more cases than the same period the previous day, which already was a record high.
On the vaccine front, an additional 799-thousand doses of Pfizer's vaccine arrived early Wednesday in South Korea.
It's enough to vaccinate almost four-hundred thousand people.
They'll be used to inoculate high school seniors and teachers from next Monday.

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #SouthKorea

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2021-07-14 07:00 (KST)

arirangkoreanSouth Korea

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