BIOS:Origins (2e) example of play revamp, TTS

BIOS:Origins (2e) example of play revamp, TTS

Gameplay of BIOS:Origins (2e). A bit different civilisation boardgame starting 200 000 yers ago where rulling class can be priests, politicians or businessmen. Created by Phil Eklund.

Original BIOS:Origins 2e had an example of play from the prototype version. But it had several errors mostly because of rules changes. It is removed in the current version of rules. I tried to revamp it to make it working right. In about half of Epoch I it takes a different way than the original example. It covers only Epoch I and II but it tries to explain the intentions of players.

Written example of play:

Footage from Tabletop Simulator.

0:00 Introduction
0:50 Epoch I
27:19 Scoring of Epoch II
29:45 Epoch II
54:12 Scoring of Epoch II


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