Valorant Toggle Vs Hold Guide. Why You Shouldn't Switch to Hold. Hold VS Toggle Pros and Cons. Best Settings for Snipers, and The Advantages of Both Hold and Toggle.
Valorant Guides, Tips & Tricks - Episode 018
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*In-game settings*
Mouse Grip ✊ - Palm Claw
Sensitivity ⚙️ - 0.33, 800 DPI
Crosshair 🎯 - Dot size 2 Outlines, OR
1-4-2-2 No outlines
Everything else: https://youtu.be/dLe9RHcFo2E
0:00 - Intro
0:34 - Operator Scope Toggle VS Hold
0:51- Marshal Scope Toggle VS Hold
1:05 - Why Hold Looks Faster
1:25 - Pros of Hold
1:59 - Cons of Hold
3:00 - Pros of Toggle
3:36 - Cons of Toggle
3:56 - Important Takeaways
4:15 - Closing