Yoga is not just for adults! In fact, it can give children very important life skills that can help them succeed in the world.
Here is a more detailed explanation of how teaching yoga to kids and using yoga in the classroom can have a positive impact on children’s well-being:
Yoga helps children manage their anxiety. The breathing exercises and relaxation techniques learned from practicing yoga can help children with stress management. Teaching children how to reduce stress in a healthy way is an important life skill that will help them as children and as adults.
Yoga improves children’s emotional regulation. Another benefit of yoga for children is that it helps children learn to be in the present moment while relaxing and gaining a peaceful state of mind, which ultimately improves their emotional regulation.
Yoga boosts children’s self-esteem. Yoga for kids can do wonders for their self-esteem. Perfecting a pose or improving their balance and flexibility can give young children a sense of personal empowerment.
Yoga increases children’s body awareness and mindfulness. Going through a variety of yoga poses helps children learn about their bodies and the movements they’re capable of doing.
Yoga enhances children’s concentration and memory. One of the top benefits of kids’ yoga is that the different types of moves requires children to focus and work on their memorization skills—both of which can translate over into their academic performance.
Yoga develops children’s strength and flexibility. Yoga helps strengthen children’s growing bodies and helps them improve their flexibility, which can reduce their chance of injury.
Surya Namaskar is a basic practice in Yoga, traditionally done to warm up for more difficult poses and as a form of paying tribute to the sun. The sun is the source of life on earth, so ancient yogis believed that paying their respects to the sun can result in good health and increased vigour in life.
Surya Namaskar is a great warm-up for kids, as it stretches the entire body and helps move every joint and major muscle group present. This smooth transition between the poses helps one concentrate and focus and can have a marked effect on the creativity and focus levels of the child. In this article, let us take a look at the methods of making Surya Namaskar more fun, as well as the steps to performing it.
Amazing Benefits of Surya Namaskar
There are many benefits that come with the regular practice of sun salutation, especially in children. The foremost one is that the practice addresses certain parts of the body in a comprehensive manner, including most joints and the major muscle groups. Therefore, the poses and the actions help tone the muscles of the body well. Also, the Surya Namaskar makes changes within the body of the child. Not only are the outer sets of muscles given a nice workout, but the inner muscles like the solar plexus and navel are also worked on during the activity. If the practice is continued regularly in children, it has the potential to prevent more than a hundred ailments too. Some of the benefits of Surya Namaskar are:
Yoga teaches discipline and reduces impulsivity. Yoga can reduce challenging behaviors in the classroom by providing a physical outlet for children to express themselves. It also teaches children about discipline as they work on clearing their minds and perfecting their poses.
Improved Blood Circulation
Inhalation and exhalation are particularly focused upon, so the lungs are constantly ventilated. This means that the blood in the body becomes highly oxygenated and purified in a short span of time.
2. Increasing Fitness
If the poses are carried out in a smooth and quick manner, you will find that the salutation itself is a great cardio workout. Excess weight around the stomach is trimmed off easily, and you can help your child become more active easily.
#Impassive yoga Promila