So I had my first experience as the new Camouflager Role and it certainly was interesting... just like my first time as all the previous modded roles watch to find out what went down!
Where else to find me:
Twitch : https://twitch.tv/geenelly
KPOP Youtube : https://bit.ly/GEENELLY
React Youtube : https://bit.ly/GEEREACTS
SHORTS Youtube : http://bit.ly/GEESHORTS
VODS Youtube : http://bit.ly/GEEVODS
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/geenelly/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/GeeNelly
TikTok : https://vm.tiktok.com/4qmFU7/
Twitch TikTok: http://bit.ly/GeeNellyTwitch
#AmongUs #GeeNelly #GeeGames
Modded Among UsAmong UsGee Nelly