2021-09-13 Xiao Qi Ji ~ New Move, Abundant Energy!

2021-09-13 Xiao Qi Ji ~ New Move, Abundant Energy!

#PandaStory: Xiao Qi Ji came indoors this afternoon around 1:45pm, and he was "loaded for bear!" Lots and lots of door and wall walking, and he debuted his latest effort at a wall-window pull-up ... and did it twice to make sure everyone saw him do it! He also seemed a bit obsessed with walking the other side of the doorway between the rooms, the side with the rockwork. And of course he made lots of time and energy for his favorite play toy ... his big ol' momma bear, Mei Xiang, and he kept climbing up the side of the rockwork to get to her! And prepare to be a wee bit surprised that the bear eating boo in room 3's playpen is Qi Ji ... a perfect mimic of Mei's eating posture! It's getting to the point that sometimes it's hard to tell which bear is which! He also had time and energy for his enrichment items ... his golden spool and the life safer. Enjoy!

1 Year Ago ❤️ (this is one of my favorites) :

2020-09-13 Mei Xiang's Cutie Cubbie's Closeups on Cam

Note from Doxie: I respectively ask that you do not post comments disparaging the Smithsonian's National Zoo's treatment of their Giant Pandas, or Mei Xiang's parenting of Xiao Qi Ji, or any comparisons to other Zoos. Comments pertaining to anything other than the video content will be removed. Also, a reminder that I am not employed by or affiliated with the Smithsonian's National Zoo. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this a place of positivity, celebration and joy!

All video footage recorded by me from the Smithsonian's National Zoo's Panda Cam public website: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/webcams/panda-cam
#PandaStory #MeiXiang #XiaoQiJi

20202020 CubMei

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